Contribution to Peer-Reviewed Journal (since 2015)
Routray, A., Hur, S. (2022). Full Operational Envelope Control of a Wind Turbine Using Model Predictive Control. IEEE Access, volume 10, 121940-121956.
Balakrishnan, R. K, Hur, S. (2022). Maximization of the Power Production of an Offshore Wind Farm. Applied Sciences, volume 12(8), 4013.
Routray, A., Hur, S. (2022). Leakage Current Mitigation of Photovoltaic System Using Optimized Predictive Control for Improved Efficiency. Applied Sciences, volume 12(2), 643.
Hur, S. (2021). Short-term wind speed prediction using Extended Kalman filter and machine learning. Energy Reports, volume 7, 1046-1054.
Reddy, Y., Hur, S. (2021). Comparison of Optimal Control Designs for a 5 MW Wind Turbine. Applied Sciences, volume 11(18), 8774.
Hur, S., Reddy, Y. (2021). Neural Network-Based Cost-Effective Estimation of Useful Variables to Improve Wind Turbine Control. Applied Sciences, volume 11(12), 5661.
Reddy, Y., Hwang, J. and Hur, S. (2021). Evaluation of Optimal Control Designs for a 5 MW Wind Turbine. Journal of Wind Energy, volume 12, issue 1, 36-44.
Hur, S. (2021). Reliable and cost-effective wind farm control strategy for offshore wind turbines. Renewable Energy, volume 163, 1265-1276.
Hur, S. (2019). Nonlinear Estimation of Important Variables using Neural Network in Wind Farms. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, volume 1222, 012022.
Hur, S. (2019). Estimation of Useful Variables in Wind Turbines and Farms Using Neural Networks and Extended Kalman Filter. IEEE Access, volume 7, 24017-24028.
Hur, S. (2018). Modelling and control of a wind turbine and farm. Energy, volume 156, 360-370.
Hur, S. and Leithead, W. (2018). Control Oriented Modelling of a Wind Turbine and Farm. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, volume 1037, 062020.
Hur, S. (2018). Real-time Adaptive Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Small Robots. IEMEK J. Embed. Sys. Appl. 13(2) 53-63.
Hur, S., Recalde-Camacho, L. and Leithead, W. (2017). Detection and compensation of anomalous conditions in a wind turbine. Energy, volume 124, 74-86.
Hur, S. and Leithead, W. (2017). Model Predictive and Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control of a Wind Turbine. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, volume 38, issue 1, 88-111.
Hur, S. and Leithead, W. (2016). Collective control strategy for a cluster of stall-regulated offshore wind turbines. Renewable Energy, volume 85, 1260-1270.
Hur, S. and Leithead, W. (2016). Adjustment of wind farm power output through flexible turbine operation using wind farm control. Wind Energy, volume 19, issue 9, 1667-1686.
Recalde-Camacho, L., Hur, S., and Leithead, W. (2016). Gusts detection in a horizontal wind turbine by monitoring of innovations error of an extended Kalman filter. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, volume 753, 052010.
Lei, T., Barnes, M., Smith, S. Hur, S., Stock, A. and Leithead, W. (2015). Using Improved Power Electronics Modelling and Turbine Control to Improve Wind Turbine Reliability. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, volume 30, issue 3, 1043-1051.
Hur, S. and Grimble, M. (2015). Robust Nonlinear Generalised Minimum Variance control and fault monitoring. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, volume 13, issue 3, 547-556.
Kapoor, R., Radhacharan, C. and Hur, S. (2022). Machine Learning: A Key Towards Smart Cyber-Physical Systems. In book: Cyber-Physical Systems, pp.43-62, Chapter 3.
Merz, Karl & Anaya-Lara, Olimpo & E. Leithead, William & Hur, Sung-ho. (2018). Supervisory Wind Farm Control. In book: Offshore Wind Energy Technology, pp.305-344, Chapter 8.